“Descend” is a piece from my ‘Modernized’ vanitas series that conveys the transience of life into death in a secular manner through use of objective symbolism. The black background shrouding these objects alludes to the ambiguity and bleakness of death. The drooping balloons in the still life not only represent the brevity of life, but their mirrored suspension hovering over the sharp tacks, represents the balance between life and death. The skull its self is a blatant symbol of death.
Play With Fire
“Play with Fire”
Many people find interest in the complication of the self. This woodcut print details the nature of movement while keeping active shapes intact, highlighting the female as finding definition within the dynamic self. This piece demonstrates the delicacy that woodcut prints can provide, while experimenting with figure-ground contrast and experimenting with the three-dimensionality of two-dimensional prints. (ink on paper)