because a bird chirrups & I wonder              if animals know / what they cry
for or if they simply               have noises             assigned to button discomforts //

instead I like to know / what I need              & say something else // button: I love
you / output: leave me                     // you can’t       see my moods’ translations / the way

you see nothing in the air             & still a bird grasps it              better than gravity //
mania gardens my skin              into taste buds / I cup your face & sense

pepper // I keep so many            of you at once              because when I’m flying I have
such a little mouthhole              & all this need for food // with the desperation

of a froglet drying              its new lungs / I kissed every              beast in the pond //
I don’t like to be              a textbook case / but my right wing              flaps fuck & my left

die // mania:              every rock might be a geode // someone              leaves me:
I break myself open              looking for crystals / dry my organs              in the sun //

I have so many insides              study as I will / if I tried              to list them
I’d forget a few / though              there they all are              fissuring in the heat //

depression: birds sing precisely             because they are unfulfilled / & I could not
stop waking up in anyone              else’s nest & starting the day /              with a cry //

once I tried to find              a local oak strung              with animal bones / a broken
electrical line              on the path hummed & misted / this watery dread              ran me

back // I ran through              the rain to your bed / for the human body is an electrical
desire strung with bones / I laid my head             on your insides / & heard them hiss //

once I refused to admit              the sky was blue / sometimes it’s black             or
ripens itself         like an orchid // really the earth’s crust           is a dish / barely holding

these colors              where they can’t fall & crush us // or I turned              my being into
a void / barely freckled              with light // it’s dark enough now           to rest awhile