
Editorial Team
Managing Editor: Alyssa Conner
Assistant Managing Editor: Gabby Parker
Fiction Editor: Jeremiah Johnson
Assistant Fiction Editor: Nicole Conner
Nonfiction Co-Editor: Molly Johnson
Nonfiction Co-Editor: Colin Katchmar
Assistant Nonfiction Editor: Emma Streberger
Poetry Co-Editor: Selena Mendoza
Poetry Co-Editor: Andrew Hadaway
Assistant Poetry Editor: Charles Lesperance

Faculty Editors
Editor-in-Chief: Colin Foote Burch
Digital Content Coordinator: Alli Crandell
Copyeditor: Rose Pleasant
Fiction Editor: Joshua Cross
Nonfiction Editor: Lane Osborne




As one of our contributors reminds us, we’re 60% water and we’re used to moving against it. In this issue, water is an abiding presence: cleansing, creating, renewing, destroying. In grief, a woman climbs over a rocky shoreline to swim in salty water, where everything is silent except that rushing noise. To test the shells of cannoli, sisters place them in boiling water, where even in water, they stay intact. An illicit lover is stranded on volcanic rocks as the tide rolls in, where the seals pass below without glancing up at her. Where the sand migrates south to some other coastal town, engineers dredge sand from the ocean floor to hold off the eroding effects of beachfront development and climate change. Moored between our namesake river and the Atlantic Ocean, in the heavy heat of Carolina, we lifted this 26th issue of Waccamaw from the water–like a good bird flying.


In this 25th issue of Waccamaw, our contributors dreamt. They dreamt of bones “rewritten and rescripted and then reburied with dirt and snow and sweat,” of electrical storms in a grandfather’s heart, of our house illuminated with gaslight, and of nestlings born too soon under winter’s sky. They dreamt Johnny Cash singing, “I don’t like it but I guess things happen that way,” as stars burn out and fall. But they found more than bitter moments and afternoons near the end. They remembered a shared cigarette after a devastating tornado, acknowledged hate and love for a father, half dream and half ghost.
Pandemic-deep in Zoom meetings, we dreamed up an issue for a devastating year that demanded new images and new voices.


Editorial Team
Managing Editor: Veronica Good
Assistant Managing Editor: Sierra Windham
Copyeditor: Rose Pleasant
Assistant Fiction Editor: Alyssa Conner
Assistant Fiction Editor: Jeremiah Johnson
Nonfiction Editor: Victor Cocco
Assistant Nonfiction Editor: Molly Johnson
Assistant Nonfiction Editor: Colin Katchmar
Poetry Editor: Olivia Dimatteo
Assistant Poetry Editor: Selena Mendoza
Assistant Poetry Editor: Andrew Hadaway
Special Projects Editor: Hope Smith

Faculty Editors
Editor-in-Chief: Colin Foote Burch
Digital Content Coordinator: Alli Crandell
Fiction Editor: Jeremy Griffin
Nonfiction Editor: Lane Osborne